Features overview

🖥️ Main interface tips

When using the default backgrounds, hover your mouse on the background credits at the bottom left corner of Bonjourr to get the EXIF info of the photo (when available).

Bonjourr's infos on the current photo

Clicking the Download icon will download the photo to your computer at its highest possible resolution.

⚙️ General settings tips

Accessing the settings panel

There are two ways you can access the settings of Bonjourr:

  • Click on the ⚙️ icon in the bottom right corner.
  • Hit the esc key of your keyboard (while focused on the page).

Show all settings

Bonjourr has lots of settings. To make it easier for newcomers, we hide most of the more advanced ones by default. You can enable them by toggling Show all settings at the very top of the settings panel.

Hide settings icon

When toggling the Hide settings icon option, the icon is still clickable at the same position as before.

📌 Tab appearance

You can customize the text and icon (called favicon) your browser uses for Bonjourr. Text is limited to 80 characters, and icons can only be emojis.

Bonjourr's customised tab

The emoji option might be limited by your browser:

  • Firefox has imperfect scaling/alignments (GitHub issue).
  • Microsoft Edge will only show the silhouette of the emoji.
  • Safari doesn't support it at all.

Here is how you can write emojis:

🖼️ Backgrounds

Bonjourr uses the Unsplash API to fetch its backgrounds. We select them manually and store them in four different collections that change according to the time of the day:

Custom Unsplash collection

You can use any collection on Unsplash as a background source in Bonjourr. To do so:

  1. Find one you like by going to unsplash.com, search for a subject and go to the Collections tab.
  2. Once you've clicked on the collection you want, check out its URL. What you want is the ID, which is the string of random letters and numbers. For example, if your collection's URL is https://unsplash.com/collections/2170139/wolfdogs-of-unsplash, the ID is 2170139.
  3. Head back to Bonjourr and paste the ID in the Unsplash collection field. You can add multiple collections by separating them with a comma.

You can also create your own collection and select your own images, but then you'll need to create an Unsplash account.

Local files

Switch your Background type from "Unsplash" to "Local file", and you'll be able to select your own images from your computer and set them in Bonjourr.

🕰️ Time and date

The analog clock feature has many options you can play around with and get to really cool styles.

Bonjourr's clock styles

Some things to know:

  • Clicking the 🌙/☀️ icons on the sliders will switch from black to white.
  • The analog clock background is blurred when its opacity is above 0.

World clocks

Bonjourr's world clock feature

World clocks allows you to add multiple clocks with different timezones. Removing the name of a world clock will remove the clock entirely.

🌤️ Weather

Precise geolocation needs access to your device's GPS. Some browsers or systems might not allow access based on its privacy setting. macOS / Safari often causes problems.

If there are multiple cities with the same name in your country, it might cause an issue. A good trick to fix this is to choose the name of the closest city with a unique name.

Bonjourr doesn't have a "Refresh weather" option yet, but you can still do it by manually toggling between units (Celsius → Fahrenheit → Celsius).

Detailed weather

Detailed weather allows you to easily go to a weather provider's website to get a detailed weather report. Once enabled, you can click on the weather widget to go to your chosen website.

⚠️ We are in no way affiliated with MSN, Accuweather, Yahoo!, or Windy.com. These websites offer reports from different data provider, hence the choices.

✍️ Notes

Notes uses Markdown to create titles, lists, and checkboxes. To transform a line, just add these characters at the start of a line:

  • # large heading
  • ## medium heading
  • ### small heading
  • - classic list
  • [ ] checkbox (notice the space between the brackets)
  • [x] checkbox, checked

Currently, other Markdown features, such as italics, are not supported.


You can use these keyboard shortcuts while editing your Note. Replace `Ctrl` with `cmd` on macOS.

Keys Action
Ctrl + Shift + 1 Create large heading
Ctrl + Shift + 2 Create medium heading
Ctrl + Shift + 3 Create small heading
Ctrl + Shift + 4 Create bullet list
Ctrl + Shift + 5 Create todo list

🗣 Quotes

The quotes widget can fetch quotes from multiple sources:

  • By default, our open source quotes API available in multiple languages. These are general motivational or inspirational quotes that the community can manage through pull requests.
  • The InspiroBot API, an AI that generates seemingly inspirational quotes, but with a humorous twist. It parodies traditional motivational quotes from the point of view of an AI. Although we are not affiliated with InspiroBot, we've always found this service fun and thought it'd be nice to have it in Bonjourr. It is important to note that it's at least 10 years old and has nothing to do with the recent generative AI trend.
  • The Kaamelott API, quotes from a french comedy TV show. Only available in French.
  • Stoic quotes that reflect the Stoicism philosophy.
  • Hitokoto, japanese inspirational quotes.
  • Custom, add your own quotes directly from Bonjourr's UI.
  • URL, add quotes from a distant CSV file.

Importing your own quotes

There are two ways you can import your own quotes: directly from Bonjourr, or from a distant URL. In both cases, here is the formatting your quotes need to adopt:

Author, Your quote.
Author, Your second quote.

With the custom quotes option

Once the custom quotes option is selected, you can simply add quotes to it by respecting the formatting shown above.

This option is limited to 8kB of text, which is about 50 regularly sized quotes. This is because Bonjourr uses storage.sync to store data, and each object is limited to 8kB. If you need more quotes, we advise using the URL option instead.

With the URL option (CSV file)

Select the URL option to link Bonjourr to the direct URL of a CSV file that contains all your quotes.

The easiest way to do this is to use GitHub Gist, a service that allows you to very easily create and host a file:

  1. Create an account on GitHub if you don't already have one, and log in.
  2. Head to the GitHub Gist page.
  3. Give your file a description, like "My Bonjourr quotes".
  4. Give it a filename, like bonjourr_quotes.csv. It can be anything as long as it ends with .csv.
  5. Start typing your quotes with the formatting shown above (you'll be able to edit them later if you want).
  6. Once done, you can hit the Create secret gist button. It will save the file and show you what it looks like as a table.
  7. Click the Raw button, copy the URL of the page that opens and paste it in the URL input of Bonjourr. Voilà!

📚 Fonts

Bonjourr gets its fonts from Fontsource. If you want to see previews of the fonts Bonjourr offers, please visit fontsource.org.

📄 Page layouts

There are 3 different page layouts to choose from: single, double and triple column. Each layout saves the position and alignment of your widgets independently.

These options only affect the current layout:

  • Widget toggle (enable switches)
  • All options in grid toolbox
  • Reset layout

💾 Settings management

Bonjourr allows you to export all your settings into a file. You can use this feature if you want to save them or share them to someone. You will in turn be able to import said settings into any instance of Bonjourr.

To do so, simply go to the bottom of your settings pannel, then click the Export button in the settings management. Your file will be downloaded. On your other instance of Bonjourr, click the Import button and select your previously exported file. Bonjourr will reload and all your settings will be applied.

Synchronization type

Bonjourr has multiple ways to share its settings between instances. In all cases, all settings will be synchronised except local backgrounds. For now, only the native browser syncing is automatic.


Bonjourr is by default configured to use the automatic syncing features of both Firefox and Chrome. If you log into your Mozilla/Google account on your browser and have syncing enabled in your browser, Bonjourr should get synchronised to other instances of the same browser on other devices.

Github Gist (cross browser)

Bonjourr also has a way to synchronise its data accross multiple browsers thanks to GitHub Gist (for example, if you use Chrome and Firefox at the same time).

A configured example of GitHub Gist synchronization

Here's a step by step guide on how to configure it:

  1. Select "GitHub Gist" in Synchronization type.
  2. Log in to GitHub and create an authentification token by following this guide on docs.github.com, or by following the steps shown below:
  3. Go back to Bonjourr and paste your token in the Authentification token input. Paste that token in as many Bonjourr instances as you need to synchronize.
  4. From there, you can either use the Get button to download your settings from the server, or the Send button to upload them. The Server status area helps you by showing when the last upload was made.

Bonjourr is not affiliated with GitHub, and no connections to api.github.com are made until you select this option AND enter a valid token. More details on our privacy page.

Distant URL

This option is essentially the same as importing a settings file from your computer, except you will do it from a distant URL. As it removes the step of having to transfer the settings file to every single device, this could be handy for power users who might need to set up many instances of Bonjourr at once.

Simply host your settings file somewhere (pastebin.com can be a good choice), enter its direct URL in Bonjourr and click the Get button.

⌨️ Keybindings

Keys Action
Escape Opens / closes settings
E (focused on link) Edits links


Refer to the notes section.

❤️ Supporters notification

The supporters notification was introduced with Bonjourr 20.4 and is our way to thank people who support us on Ko-Fi. It appears at the start of each month and reflects the donations of the previous month.

The supporters notification

If you'd like your name to appear in the supporters notification, you can donate on Ko-Fi. If you'd like to donate without having your name appear in it, be sure to send us a message when you donate.

The supporters notification can be fully disabled in the settings panel, Show all settings first, then Supporters notification in the "Notifications" category.