Here are some pre-made themes you can import at the bottom of the settings of Bonjourr. Want your own custom profile here? Contact us!
Cyberpunk 2077

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{ "showall": true, "dark": "enable", "greeting": "V", "time": true, "main": true, "background_blur": 0, "background_bright": 0.71, "background_type": "unsplash", "quicklinks": true, "textShadow": 0, "css": ".clock-date, #credit, #credit a { color: #00d8f3 }\ {\n color: #fdf800;\n text-shadow: 5px 5px #00d8f3\n}\n#greetings, #weather_desc {\n text-shadow: none;\n background-color: #fdf800;\n padding: 10px 20px;\n color: black\n}", "hide": { "weatherdesc": false, "weathericon": true }, "clock": { "analog": false, "seconds": false, "size": 1 }, "unsplash": { "collection": "He87uFs-2zg", "every": "tabs", "lastCollec": "user", "time": 0 }, "font": { "size": "15", "family": "Orbitron", "system": false, "weight": "600", "weightlist": ["400", "500", "600", "700", "800", "900"] }}
The Space Enthusiast

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{ "showall": true, "greeting": "Neil", "pagegap": 1, "pagewidth": 1600, "time": true, "main": true, "dateformat": "eu", "background_blur": 0, "background_bright": 0.5, "background_type": "unsplash", "quicklinks": true, "css": "/* Change weather text here */\n\n#interface #current::after {\n content: 'C on earth.'\n}\n\n/* the rest */\n\n#interface { color: #dfe1cc!important }\n#interface #time #date { margin: 0 50px }\n#interface #time {\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: center;\n flex-wrap: wrap;\n}\n\n#show-settings button img {\n filter: sepia(1)\n}\n\n", "hide": { "weatherdesc": false, "weathericon": true }, "clock": { "ampm": false, "analog": false, "seconds": true, "size": 1 }, "unsplash": { "collection": "858219,136301,235,s9aRSbDoSg8", "lastCollec": "user", "time": 1706435865689 }, "font": { "size": "13", "family": "Space Mono", "system": false, "weight": "700", "weightlist": ["400", "700"] }}

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{ "time": true, "main": true, "background_blur": 0, "background_bright": 1, "background_type": "unsplash", "quicklinks": true, "textShadow": 0, "css": "#interface, #credit a {\n color: #6d8161;\n}", "hide": { "weatherdesc": false, "weathericon": true }, "clock": { "ampm": false, "analog": false, "seconds": true }, "unsplash": { "collection": "2AC1c6JsJh8", "every": "day", "lastCollec": "user", "time": 0 }, "font": { "family": "DM Serif Display", "system": false, "weight": "400", "weightlist": ["400"] }}
Not Momentum

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{ "pagegap": 0, "time": true, "main": true, "quicklinks": true, "hide": { "date": true, "weatherdesc": true, "weathericon": false, "clock": false }, "clock": { "analog": false, "size": 1.875 }, "font": { "weight": "700" }, "move": { "layouts": { "single": { "grid": [["time"], ["main"], ["quicklinks"]], "items": { "time": { "box": "end center", "text": "" }, "main": { "box": "baseline center", "text": "" } } }, "selection": "single" } }}