

The simplest way to help us out is to leave a review on the extension stores, either on Firefox addons, Chrome webstore, Apple App Store or even Edge Addons. You can also tell your friends about Bonjourr, because if you love it, they probably will too.


Thanks to our contributors, Bonjourr is currently available in 21 languages! Here's how you can update or add a language:

Translations are located in the /_locales/ folder on Github. Each language folder contains these files:

  • translations.json for the main translation.
  • messages.json for the extension's title and subtitle.
  • for the full description on store pages.

To add a new language, copy the `en` folder to your desired language. You also need to add the country code and name to the list in /src/scripts/langs.ts. If you are familiar with GitHub, you can create a pull request. If not, you can directly send us the modified files via email or to our Telegram group.

⚠️ Don't forget to join your name and link so we can credit you!

Test your translation

  • Go to and select your language.
  • Open the developer console (F12, CTRL+Shift+J, or CTRL+Shift+I).
  • Paste this code: localStorage.translations = JSON.stringify() with the content of translations.json inside the parentheses.
  • Reload the page, it should work !

New features

You have some coding skills and a feature in mind you could implement into Bonjourr? Check out the GitHub repository.

If you're feeling creative, you can also suggest or create CSS snippets & custom profiles